Yes I Do Believe It Is True...
Yes we are having a baby. I am 7 weeks and 5 days pregnant and the baby is due April 11th. We went for our first sonogram today and we got some pictures and were able to hear the heartbeat. We are totally excited about this new adventure! We'll keep you posted.
I'm Proud Of Josh
Well we made it back from College Station last night at about 12:00.
We started out the day on friday with loading up the car and checking out at about 8 am. We headed over to Josh and Andrea's appartment to pick up Amy and My mom. His graduation was Friday morning at about 9 and of course there was about 1,000 people graduation but luckly his major was only about half way through then we had to leave to have enough time to eat before the next event.
We ate at the Chicken Oil....owned by the same people who own Dixie Chicken. They have the most amazing burgers and a pitcher of beer is only 6 bucks. there were about 25 of us in this little hot resturant. Then we went up to the MSC which is the book store there on campus to go to the former student section to see my dad's book "Return of the Priest". Its really good you should read it. if you want to go ask my mom on her page how to get it.
He had a couple of commisionings to go to. The first one was at 2. It was actually a graduation. But Secretary of Deffense Gates commisioned him. Gates was actually the president of Texas A&M untill late last year when he was nominated for the Secretary of Defense.
Then at 5:30 we had to go to the George Bush library where the Amry commisioned him to an officer. It was a small personal event lots of hugs and kisses. Andrea and my mom actually got to put his pins on.
We had a huge BBQ after this from Rudy's we had red velvet cup cakes and a red velvet armadillo cake. Our family gave Josh a remington 870 express with a case and shells. He loved it!
We are so proud of him. He is finished and we are just waiting on which path he takes. We pray that God blesses him and that Josh would seek God on the timing for everything. We had a great time.
This was also the final goodbye for Amy. Her car is still here being fixed on so my parents will have to take another trip down there to deliver it but I won't be able to see her that time. Love you Amy!!! be good!!!
I'm Kinda Sad
There has been a lot going on in our lives in the last couple of weeks. I've talked about most of it except one key thing.
She left with my parents Thursday afternoon. She had been packing her stuff all summer. When we were staying at my parents house while our A/C was broken we stayed in Amy's room. Her room was so empty it was weird. Now we are going to go over there and she won't be there.
Amy is going to Texas A&M university. This has been a long term goal for her and she made it....I'm so proud of her!!! She had been working at Jason's Deli since last summer and she was able to transfer to the store down there. The one good thing is that she is coming back up here on Saturday because she has a Jason's Deli summer picnic to go to up here in Arlington so she'll be here untill Tuesday. Then next weekend on Thursday my parents, Tim and I are going down to College Station to go to Josh's Graduation and Commissioning into the Army. We at least get to get used to the idea of Amy being gone before we actually have to say good bye.
She is going to be living with My brother and his wife for the next year My brothers wife is still in school and she graduated next may. Josh will be leaving for training for the next few months so at least Andrea will have company and Amy won't have to live in a dorm.
She left with my parents Thursday afternoon. She had been packing her stuff all summer. When we were staying at my parents house while our A/C was broken we stayed in Amy's room. Her room was so empty it was weird. Now we are going to go over there and she won't be there.
She is going to be living with My brother and his wife for the next year My brothers wife is still in school and she graduated next may. Josh will be leaving for training for the next few months so at least Andrea will have company and Amy won't have to live in a dorm.
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