At TJ's appointment the Doctor talked about starting TJ on baby food. Well I wanted to feed him the rice cereal for the first time so last night when I got home I got his cereal ready. He thought it was funny, he kept laughing and smiling at me when I would put it in his mouth. He has really been fussy the last couple of days. I think his mouth is really hurting him. He ate about half of the bowl then got to where his mouth was hurting and just wanted his pacy in his mouth so he could chew on something. there are some pictures below of him eating. I have a video but as you can tell by my last blog I am kida behind on those. I still have about 4/5 more videos to put up on the blog.

Him messing with his Bib

Sitting there peacefully with his hands folded while he spits out the cereal.