This has been an amazing year for him. Last year at this time he was preparing for the production “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown” He played Schroeder and during the rehearsals we made some new friends one being TJ’s Uncle Cody. He got a new truck this year, brand spankin’ new. He loves it. He got some good raises and a great promotion. He is leading worship at church and going to be stepping into some amazing things that God has in store for him. He became a Dad this year and is absolutely amazing with TJ. They play together and cuddle together on the couch. There has even been many nights that TJ won’t settle down and go to sleep after we put him to bed and after me going in there and trying Tim will go in and talk to TJ and then he goes to sleep.
Tim is a wonderful husband to me he is always put my best interest at heart and will do anything to make me happy. He is always trying to make life at home a happier place. He helps with TJ, he’ll get up in the middle of the night and get him changed and ready to go so he can eat and then brings him to me. He understands the importance of praying over TJ every day.
Happy Birthday Baby!!! We love you and I hope you have a wonderful day.