Well last night was TJ's first Halloween and my parents went out of town. My manager has always mentioned to me how much fun they have over at their house for Halloween. They have a bunch of their family come over and little kids so we decided to head over there so she can see TJ and Tim and I could meet her whole family. I didn't have a costume for TJ we just got some pumpkin stuff and dressed him in that as you can see by the picture. We had a great time and TJ was having fun flirting with Carolyn's twin daughters Whit and Brit and their friends Kayla. He was too cute. He is normally a stickler for bed time, 8 o'clock hits and he is ready to hit his bed. He stayed up till about 10:30. Now he was past tired and into the delirious state, but it did help that the girls that were holding him were walking around and talking with different people.
Here are the pictures from the night:
Laughing before we left for Carolyn's

Blue Eyes
Big Yawm....this lasted forever!!
Time to go home...he was so dazed.
We had so much fun and had some great memories made.