Well we went cheep this year and just used the same costume as last year. It fit and last year he didn't do much and we knew we wouldn't be doing much this year. Why not get some more use out of it?
Last year we just went to one neighbors house and then went to Six Flags.
This year we decided to go to a fall fest at a church so he could go out and have some fun. He got to pet some horses, a cow, jump in a bounce house, play some games, eat some yummy food, get some candy, got lots of attention.
We also enjoyed ourselves. Saw some old friends, had yummy hot dogs, cotton candy, and snow cones.
Petting the horse |
Once we got home we went over to Pat and Patty's house, our neighbors. TJ loves them! They love him too. Pat can just be getting home from work and TJ can get him to stay out side and play with him for an hour or so while in his work clothes. Patty will roll around in the grass with him and chase him around the yard. Nice to know I have people right next door that we can count on if we need them. Patty also watches out for Gracee.
Anyways. We had a great time tonight and now we have our little boy cuddled up with us watching the Rangers play.