Man I am getting all new things. Tim said all I need to do is trade in for a new hubby. HA. Never. I sure will threaten him though.
Here is me saying bye to my old car. It was a good car and I really liked it. It was kinda weird cleaning it out and knowing I'll never drive it again. It was the first car we ever bought together and the car we brought TJ home in. My lease was up so it was time to trade it in.

Here is the new car. Its a 2009 Honda Accord. Woo hoo!!

I was able to do some upgrades with the new car. I go leather and some other stereo upgrades.
If your looking for a car we got a guy. It was a wonderful car shoping experience. I got to test drive any car and we didn't have that pressure that you have when you go to a dealership. I have his card. He can sell or lease, let me know if you want it.