Okay so the day TJ turned 5 months was just like any other day except last night he start chewing on my Dad's hands. My Dad had commented how it was kind of hurting. So I just took him and was going to put some orijel in his mouth because he would fuss if my Dad took his hand out. As I was rubbing the orijel in his mouth I looked and saw a white tooks starting to sprout out of his gums. He did it the first tooth is finally cutting through.
Since I didn't get any pictures up on yesterday's blog. Here are some pictures from the day TJ turned 5 months:

This is on Amy's quilt that her and my mom made. This "What a Pickle" shirt was one of Amy's signature shirts.

Rodney put TJ to sleep...He was out. Rodney even adjusted him and he just opened his eyes and they fell back asleep.

And here he is when we got home. "Mom can I eat and go to bed please?"