Every night so many things need to be taken care of with us and the kids. Dinner needs to be taken care of, pjs and clothes for the next day have to be picked out, baths taken, bags packed, Anna’s blanket has to be changed out on her bed, teeth brushed, potty time, sing songs, prayers and bed time, then Anna needs to be fed and put in bed.
To get all of this done we start dinner about 30-40 minute after I get home. Cooking dinner can take from 30 minutes to an hour to prepare. Eating depending on how the kiddos are behaving last around 30 minutes. We are normally done with cooking, eating and cleaning at about 6:15-6:30.
Most nights after dinner we hang out as a family and watch Diego or Backyardigans with TJ.
We start baths at 7:30. Both kids get bathed together. Anna is taken out first and taken to get ready for bed. TJ is then washed and then taken out. He goes potty, brushes his teeth, and gets dressed for bed. His night time routine consists of praying, singing, and lots of kisses and hugs. Asleep by 8pm.
We spend the next 30 minutes playing, talking and singing with Anna. She is fed and in bed by 9.
Then its time for us to get ready for bed!
Oh and in the midst of all that all the bags are put together and with the car seat put by the door.
I love that we have this system down. We are getting to where we don't have to talk or ask each other to do anything. Its just getting done!
But there are some nights we just don't want be at home. On the nights we aren't home we still do all this its just its cut down and done quicker. haha, so much for skipping anything.