

SO overwhelmed!

We are leaving for Israel tomorrow! Yikes. I'm so excited but getting everything ready before we leave is so overwhelming.

 We have been planning this trip for about 6 months. The things that are overwhelming is getting our family ready to go in all different directiosn. Gracee to the Wirth's, TJ to Arkansas, us to Israel, and our hosue ready for guest the second weekend we are gone.

It never fails that when I completely overhaul my house and make it spotless the next day when the guys get home TJ will be playing and make a big mess.

I know everything will be fine but I have that nagging feeling in my stomach that I'm forgetting something. I just hope it isn't a big thing.

Next post will be about the trip! YAH!!!


Snow..what? 12 inches...what??

I can NOT believe this winter....

I have never seen this much snow in my life. I have been to states that will get a lot of snow but while I'm there it doesn't snow and then for sure doesn't snow this much.

We got 12 inches of snow here in DFW. I am still floored by it all. And 4 days after the snow fell there is still some snow in areas. Now when it snows in Texas we may get 2 inches and it only stays for the days. So once you get a chance to play in it you better. Heck we even go play in the falling snow even if it doesn't stick. We are out there with cameras and all....haha.

This snow was one we could go an play in whenever....while it was snowing, that night, the next day or even the next day. So nice to experience this!

It started snowing Thursday morning so when I first woke up this is what I saw:

This right here was a lot for me and I would have gone and played in it if it wouldn't have been 6 in the morning. It continued to snow ALL day and all night. When I got home at 4:20 this is what I saw:
WOW. At this point we didn't have power because one of OUR trees fell on some lines in the backyard and the power was cut off. Our neighbor had called at noon and I called twice when I got home. The power came back on that night at about 7:45.
Thursday 4:20

 Thursday 9 pm
Thursday 9 pm
Neighbor's tree...so pretty
our sweet boy...hating the snow..hehe
TJ really didn't like the snow. We stuck him it at one point and he just stood there and screamed. I guess its the uncertainty of it and not knowing what to do. He did love throwing snow balls and watch Gracee chase them. Fun memories.


Since we did are bedroom flooring last Saturday, T.J. woke up all snotty and coughing on Sunday morning. I knew it was the dust and dirt in the house from pulling up the carpet.

TJ doesn't ever really get allergies. He just gets nasty colds that last for days. I can always tell when he has allergy problems versus colds. His eyes get runny and red when he has allergies (just like his Mum and Dadt).

Tuesday night I would say was the worst. He started to develop a fever that afternoon. My parents were out of town so he was going to daycare this last week. Of course if he had a fever he couldn't go back. We both couldn't miss anywork and our brains were going crazy trying to think of a plan. The fever didn't come back and he was able to go back to daycare he just slept a ton the next few days.

Finally Wednesday night we found out about how much benadryl we could give him. The decongestant and Tylenol weren't helping with fighting the allergy they were just keeping things from getting stuck in his sinus'. Thursday morning he woke up SOO much better.

He still has a little runny nose but it isn't affecting him at all. I've been cleaning the house like crazy over and over again.

Next time we do flooring he won't be here.



Since before we even found this house we knew we wanted wood floors.

When we found this house the whole house minus the bedrooms were ceramic tile. The house had BRAND new carpet in the bedrooms so we found no need to replace it right away.

On moving day we had Gracee in her kennel in one of the rooms. Some how she was able to move the kennel in such a way that she could tear at the carpet. This left us with a giant whole in our carpet in the middle of the room. We got this replaced when we were turning this room into a nursery for TJ. My parents wanted to get us started with our laminate wood floors.

We knew with our tax return this year that we wanted to get the other rooms laminated. We got our tax return yesterday so this morning we headed out to floor & decor and got our flooring. It was awesome because the same flooring we got for TJ two years before was still there so the rooms will match.

We were not planning on doing this for a while because we knew it would be major. Well Tim said "hey, I bet we could get our room done today" so at about 12 pm we started to take all the "stuff" out of our room.

The steps to our project:
  • empty room
  • gather tools
  • tear up carpet
  • tear up padding
  • sweep
  • pull up the tack strips around the border of the room
  • sweep again
  • pull up left over nails
  • sweep again
  • carefully take baseboards off
  • sweep again
  • lay down plastic insulation stuff
  • lay flooring
  • put baseboards back on
  • load furniture and everything back in the room
  • pass out
  • then when you wake up....sweep 500 more times
We finished with sheets back on our bed  at about 10pm.....LONG DAY!

here are some pictures from the day:
plastic insulation stuff
TJ helping
before the base boards got up
so pretty
we LOVE it!!
We did buy enough flooring to do the guest bedroom also. We will be getting that room done with in the next few weeks...hopefuly

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