
Halloween 2009

We had so much fun with TJ this year.

Mike and Heather invited us to a neighbor hood fall festival that afternoon so we went up to that with them and Lex. TJ, Lex and I went and got in a bounce house. They loved it. It was TJ first time to be in one. He kept jumping around and slamming face first into the floor but was laughing the whole time.

That night we decided to go to one house since he was so young so we headed over to Pat and Patty's house. (our next door neighbors) They were so excited to see them and just kept offering him the bowl of candy. He was so hesitant until he realized he could take some then he was grabbing hand fulls.

We then headed up to Six Flags. It was so packed so we mainly just walked around. It was fun to be out and about with my family. I love those guys and they bring so much joy to my life.

Oh and TJ decided he wanted to try the candy so he ate half of a tootsie roll...wrapper and all. He thought it was good.

 bounce house fun
happy boy
Half eaten tootsie roll

After six flags. Fun day!


Our Little Cowboy

I know I know, I was suppose to post this picture a month ago but I figured better late than never. Here is our little cowboy at 18 months.

He is so handsome and I am proud to call him my son!



I love change, most of the time that is. I love how relationships change and evolve.

TJ changes so much. He honestly learns something new everyday. Our relationship is building all the time. He learns about me and I learn about him and I love what its becoming. He is talking more and more each day. The talking is turning into conversation and sentences. I may not understand the sentences but he is saying them. We probably only understand a third of what he is saying but thats more than we were before.

Last week during vacation was a big learning time for him. We were able to spend constant time with him and work on some words and sounds.

Here are words we actually understand:
Please (prease)
Thank you (tank ah)
Dre (Dddrraaa)
Crackers (cra ers)
Drink (dink)

He is becoming a kid and he's not my baby. I love him so much!!


New York Vacation

This was the first year since 2006 that we took at least a week off work together to go somewhere and enjoy ourselves. This year we went to New York.  We have been wanting to go and visit my brother and Andrea in upstate New York. We had so much fun.

We left here first thing on Saturday morning. Headed off to DFW for our first flight together since we've been married and of course the first flight with TJ. Needless to say I was so nervous. I would say I was pretty prepared for the flight because I was given some great advise for flying with a toddler. We had a long day of flying but I would say it was successful. TJ slept a little on the second flight.

Sunday was going to be the only full day we were going to have with him since he was going to be working all week. We headed off to brunch at this amazing place...sorry I can't remember the name of it. Josh called into work for a few hours so he ended up getting Monday off too. After Josh got back from work we headed out to Alexandria Bay to see Thousand Islands. Pretty cool place. Its a bunch of islands with houses and castles on them. We took a boat tour and got to see all around.

Monday we headed off to the Cider Mill to try the cider and to get some cider cake donuts. YUMO! they were amazing. I even requested to go back later in the week. Then off to Old Mcdonalds Farm for the hay ride, corn maze and pumpkin patch. We spent the evening carving pumpkins and resting.

Tuesday Josh was headed off to work so Dre, Tim, TJ and I went to Thompson park so TJ could play. It was so beautiful out there the trees take your breathe away.

playing on the playground

Tuesday night Josh took us up to Post to see where he works and to show us the motor pool. I got a bunch of pictures of Josh showing TJ everything. I lost them all when I was trying to fix my phone. Tim got the best one:
Josh taught him a mean face. lol

Wednesday was a casual day. EXCEPT I got to go with Dre to a sonogram appointment and I got to see my little nephew, Jesse Nathaniel. I can't wait to meet him and I've already gone through totes of clothes to send them. After we got back we took Josh and his guys burgers and went on a few errands. We needed a rest day before we hit Thrusday.

Thursday we headed to Niagara Falls early and got there around 11am. I can't even describe it. So I'm just going to post a few pictures:


Friday was another chill day and we were able to get all our bags packed for our trip home on Saturday. We headed out Saturday mind morning. Tim and I were starving and not wanting to spend a ton on airport food or have snacks all day. SOOO we stopped at McDonalds and got some lunch. HA we were only a few minutes late and missed our flight check in deadline. oops but these really nice ladies got us on a flight an hour later, they didn't charge us the missed flight fees, and they didn't charge us the baggage fees either. AWESOME!!

We ended up making it home and hour earlier than what our original itinerary had planned. Only problem was we had only a 30 minute layover and had to basically run to our departure gate.

We made it home and we had such a great time and miss them so much already.


Pumpkin Patch

Man I thought last year was fun looking through all the pumpkins and picking out the perfect one....Oh how I was wrong. I knew nothing about real pumpkin patches.

We've known for a while that we were going to be in Upstate New York this year. We had been talking that we were just going to one in New York and not in DFW. It was so much fun!!

This was not a small pumpkin patch this was Old McDonald's Farm's pumpkin patch. There were hayrides, mini-golf, corn maze, shops, annimals, and actual pumpkin patches where you cut your pumpkin off the vine.

We got to feed some pigs and cows. TJ had so much fun and was smiles the whole time until we got too close to the huge animals. He took almost a 4 hour nap.

on the hayride:


Looking at the farm animals:

Uncle Josh, Aunt Dre and TJ

Mommy, Daddy and TJ

threw the cornmaze
picking our pumpkins

TJ's Pumpkin

TJ's first pumpkin carving
the boys' pumpkins


Happy Birthday Timothy!!!

Happy Birthday Timothy!

I love you and I hope you have a fantastic year!

This birthday is a significant birthday being that it is his 25th birthday. He is a quarter of a century.

Tim is such a wonderful father and husband. I love spending time with him. We laugh so much when we are together. We started out his birthday with being at Midnight Yell. And he gets to spend all day today tailgating and going to a football game. Well not any football game. We are going to the Texas A&M vs. Arkansas game at cowboys stadium.

This year, his birthday present from me is a ticket to the U2 concert. But since I bought that a while ago I wanted to do something for him on his actual birthday.  SO...I made him a cheesecake. Its his favorite and I knew I would need to figure out how to make one. Well I made it and he LOVED it.

Happy Birthday Babe and have a great day!


It's Been a Good Year

I got a notice that I have had my URL a year. My very own URL. I was so excited last year when I picked it out and purchased it. I would blog all the time, partly because I had a new baby that was only a few months old that needed to be talked about ALL the time. Recently I have been trying to find other topics about our life other than TJ.

We have spent a lot of time working on our house and I felt that I have learned enough to talk about my experiences and have also felt drawn to speak about just life in general and how certain life experiences affect me.

Just wanted to take a moment to wish myself and my blog URL a Happy Anniversary!

Hope to see you all here this coming year and I’m excited to see what all I have to say this year.

It has indeed been a good year!

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