Today was a momental day for me, I bought a Macbook. I've been wanting one for a while now and since I got a bonus and Tim made me spend it on something for me. I did it I went and got it today. I already had it planned out. I knew exactly what I wanted, what it would be with tax and even how long it would take to get there. Yes I know I'm a dork!
that's all I wanted to say but here it is:
ya'll have a good Sunday with the Lord!
TJ is 11 Months Old
The little man is now 11 months old. Just one short month until her turns 1 year old.
This been a fabulous month. He has about 6 teeth and looks like 2 more teeth with me coming through on the top soon. He is eating more regular food and less baby food now. Now that he has all those teeth he doesn’t have a problem chewing. He tends to get more in his mouth then needs but we are teaching him. Over the past few months we have been trying different sippy cups so we can get him off the bottle. It hasn’t been working the greatest due to the fact that we haven’t found one that he can do well. Well while we were in Arkansas last weekend. TJ crawled over to the coffee table and picked up her sippy cup with milk in it and put it to his mouth. We went and got some of kind and what do ya know he used it and now he doesn’t get bottles anymore just the sippy cup.
Here he is using his sippy cup with his favorite food, crackers:
He is getting better at walking with his walker toy. He really has no interest in daring out to walk without it. He does move along the furniture pretty well. He has gotten to where he wants to discover things on his own but would still rather be with us.
We’ve been busy planning his birthday party and are excited with all that he is learning and doing. I am teaching him a bit of sign language. “more” tends to look like clapping. Oh well he’ll get it.
Here are some recent pictures:
eating his first sandwich
playing with his new airplane
playing at G-Paw and Sweeties
on worship team with Daddy
New Living Room

The only problem with this couch is it puts us back in the same situation, microfiber. Although its darker and would hide dog hair a lot better. I didn’t necessarily like that part because do I really want the dog hair hidden. NO!
But being smart shoppers we went to numerous stores trying to see if we found anything better. After about 4 stores and 4-5 different websites we went to Rooms To Go Outlet. And we found our couch. Its leather and a sectional which is what we originally wanted. Its brand new. I think the only reason it was in the outlet was because someone returned it. The tags were even still on it. We got it for half off of what we would have paid in the store and had it in our house within 30 minutes. We got the old furniture to Rodney and Virginia’s house last night so I took some pictures for you so you can see!
Peanuts Flying
This post is for Chris. Chris is the worship leader and Bill and Debra’s church, Northgate Church in Bentonville Arkansas. I know he won’t read this but I told him that what he did was blog-worthy. We went to eat with Bill and Chris on Tuesday night at Texas Roadhouse. We have done this before when they were at a conference at Gateway Church, well they were there at the beginning of the week so we met up again. Well our waiter was horrible. He never came by, he would never bring what we asked, our drinks were empty the whole time and anytime we would try to get his attention he would keep on walking. We started joking that we were going to start throwing peanuts at him to get his attention. I really want a refill and we needed crackers for TJ. So I told Chris that if he didn’t answer then he needed to throw it. well I guess he thought that once I yelled he was going to throw it at the same time. So as soon as I said excuse me the peanut went flying toward the guy and hit him in the stomach. He immediately stopped and said “yes, how can I help you?” I told him about my drink and about TJ’s crackers. He came back with crackers but with no refill for me. Ugh! I went without, but Bill asked for one when he got back with the crackers and immediately received his. Oh well. That’s about all I wanted to say. This post is only here to tell you about the peanuts flying.
It was pretty funny!
Terry and Lizzie Sanders
Well they made it to the big day. I am so proud of them. They have both had rough lives before they met each other. I am so glad that they found each other, better late than never. I know that these two love each other so much but put God before the other. Terry has been close to home the last few years and could hang out at the drop of a hat. He and Lizzie have been coming to our church and have come to family nights on Wednesdays. They are living in North Garland (closer to Jonathan and Allyson) now and we are already missing them. I know that they are still close but still too far away. We will definitely be having Terry and Lizzie withdrawals.
Terry assigned me in charge of decorating the sanctuary. This was a little difficult because this was the first time I was decorating for someone else. I elected Debbie Russell to help me. She has done weddings before and is very creative with creating something from scratch. Here is a picture of the sanctuary:
its hard to tell but the plants in the front on top of the pillars are red roses and the plants on the back pillars are ferns with red roses in them.
The wedding turned out beautiful. Everyone cried and ceremony and reception went smoothly.
We love you guys and we are so proud of you. Congratulations Terry and Lizzie Sanders!!!
Happy Birthday Daddy!
I meant to post this on his birthday, but that didn’t work out because of the busy weekend we had.
My dad. What can I say about my dad? Well there is so much to say about my dad. I respect him so much. He is a great dad, pastor, Papa, husband, son, brother, and a great all around person. He has always tried his hardest to make our home fun with jokes and laughter. He has always taken our teasing with honor. He has always been a great mediator between family members. It has been such a honor to call him my dad. I have watched him as I have grown and seen how he has grown as a Christian and a pastor. I watch him now and am amazed to see who he has grown to be, who is friends are, and where left he is still going to go.
He absolutely adores TJ! He is great with him, he respects the rules of his parents but then still spoils him so Papa is the good guy. HEHE. He gets to watch him on Wednesdays and I can see how much they are fond of each other.
Here is a little story for you. When I had TJ, my dad was a complete mess. He came right up to the hospital. He hung around and was trying his best to get phone calls in between my contractions. It never worked and he was always talking after my contraction would start back up. Yep he got yelled at every time. Then about half way thru labor he realized he ran out of the house without the camera. So he runs out of there and right when he pulls out the parking lot he gets a call that I’m at a 7 and he needs to hurry. He made it back in plenty of time and with the camera. When TJ was down in the NICU and people were getting rotated in and out, he stayed with me. This was a such a blessing to me because then I wasn’t alone, Tim could focus on TJ, and I had someone to moan to when I would wake up and felt pain. We were both laying there dozing in and out of sleep and when I would wake up and say “Daddy, this hurts” he would just say. “It will get better the pain will go away” I know he was praying for me and doing anything possible to make me more comfortable. Thanks Dad!
If you have never met my dad you are truly missing out. He is so smart and such a Godly man.
I love you Daddy and Happy Birthday!!
First Haircut
It came the time to cut TJ’s hair. He was getting a mullet. Anytime he touched his hair or we would dress him the back got all matted and yucky. We were over at my parents house and she had the clippers out. We had him in my mom’s lap and trimmed off some on the back and then a little on top. He did ok. He mainly wanted to see what was making all the noise. You can see in the pictures he has crackers in his hands. We did that so he wouldn’t try to grab the clippers. He did so well and its another one of those steps in his life that we must do. I've heard people tell me oh don't cut his hair it will never be the same again. It must be done and I must accept that he is growing up. BUT no matter what he is still my baby boy!
Oh and I did get a little bit of the trimmings to save for his baby book.
Weddings Everywhere
I guess February this year is the time to get married. Okay, that may be an overstatement. I only know of two couples getting married this month this year. For one My uncle is getting hitched. I know I’ve blogged about that before but the big day is this Saturday. This will be slightly hectic for me. Terry put me in charge of decorating the sanctuary…AAHHH. I was nervous about getting it all put together considering I don’t have any decorations. There is a lady at our church that is really good at this kind of stuff. She is going to help me but we are going up to the church on Tuesday night, on Friday night and then possibly again on Saturday morning.
On top of all the wedding stuff this week we are getting Uverse installed on Friday. We have shows still left on our DVR to watch and then have all the shows this week to watch. The bad thing about this is that Tim has band of brothers tonight, I’m decorating the church on Tuesday, Wednesday is family night, Thursday is my bible study at church, then Friday they will be coming at 12 to work on the TV and Internet. Bottom line, no time to get them watched. I guess we’ll just have to go watch TV at the Peery’s house once our schedule calms down..hint hint.
Next weekend our friend Andy is getting married in Arkansas. We are going to be driving up to Little Rock and staying with Rick, Sarah and Piper on Friday night, wedding is Saturday at 2 in Russellville, then after the wedding festivities we will be driving over to Bentonville to spend the night with Bill and Debra. We are planning to go to their church on Sunday then home after lunch.
I will of course post pictures when the weddings are complete. Love is in the air!
I Want to Love
I have been going to a women's bible study once a month and for whatever reason this last class really hit at home for me. It was about love and doing things in love. I don't think that it is necessarily only doing things for the people you love but doing them out of the love of your heart. If I do good things but don't do them in love then I have nothing. Like in 1st Corinthians 13: 1. If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing. 3 If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it;[a] but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing.
Walking with God is a love affair. God is love!! If I love him and become more intimate with him it becomes easier for me to love and to do things in love. I learn that conversation with God is life and without conversation on earth I can’t build relationship.
There are things in my life that concern me every day they become frustrations in my life. Things I can't do anything about. Things that I want to fix but not my place to touch or discuss. ALL I can do is love. Pour love on the situations and pray.
I want to love my husband more. He is a great husband. I don't want to do things for him because I feel like I have to, I want to do them out of love. What will God say of my marriage if we make it 65 years but I rolled my eyes, found things to push his buttons, or did things with a grudge the whole way through? But I guess I grow with failure. I've grown, I've learned, and I'm ready. I'm ready to love!!! I'm going to love. Not only just love but will do things with love. It all comes down to God, if God is love then how would I do it without him.
With my relationships with my friends and family. When I’m gone I want to be remembered as one who did things out of the love of my heart. One that loved with all my heart and did whatever possible to strengthen my relationships.
Then there is my child. My Little Timothy! He is the most wonderful little guy. And what kind of parent would I be if I didn’t show him the love of God? God gave him to me to raise him up to be a prophet. He has the most wonderful things already planned for his life and I am here to help him along on that path. I must show him God’s love by loving him and loving him with Christ in me.
God is Love and if God is the Great I AM than that means that I am the little I AM.
Happy Birthday Debra
Well I think this is the first time since Tim and I have been together/ married that we haven’t been around Debra on her Birthday. Okay there was one year that she was in California on the day of her birthday but we either celebrated before or after she went. This year they are in Arkansas and we aren’t sure when we can celebrate with her.
I did want to take some time to talk about my mother in law. It’s very scary how times I find myself doing things for Tim that I’ve seen her do for Bill. Giving them expired medicine, going on an extra trip to the store because I forgot to get Dr. Peppers (for her diet coke), and a bunch of other random things. I do see some other similarities in the two of us and that is that we LOVE our husbands, we LOVE our kid(s), but above all else we LOVE our Lord. I see her striving to be a better Christian and to be a better wife, mother, and grandmother. There has been so many times when I’ve had a hard day or am in a sticky situation and she will either give me a verse that just so happens helped her out too or she will just listen to me yammer on.
Don’t get me wrong there has been times when she is a mother in law but no matter what I love her and am glad she is a part of my family. Here is a funny story for you. When Tim and I were dating and would hang out at their house. We would just be talking and she would say “what?” than we would follow with “nothing, we aren’t talking to you” haha. So we had to come up with a language of our own. Really it was just mumbling, but it drove her crazy!! We thought it was pretty funny.
We are hoping to get up to Arkansas for a wedding at the end of the month. We are still trying to work that out and then planning on them coming down here for TJ’s birthday in March.
Love you Debra and have a Happy Birthday! Hope you get that iPhone.
What a Weekend
As some of you may or may not know my Uncle Terry is getting hitched. He is marrying the lovely Lizzie. I think I have talked about them a bunch but if not I am now. HAHA. Well on Saturday my parents had a shower for them at their house for the church members to come to. It was a lot of fun. A bunch of people came and went and Terry and Lizzie got blessed. We had little BBQ sandwiches, chips and hot sauce, sweets and some tasty drinks. Before everyone got there and the party began The twins and I took TJ outside to swing and to sit on the hammock. He loved it of course and was laughing his little head off.
Here he is laying on the hammock:
TJ playing with the cat after the party:
Sunday TJ didn’t really want to sit in Church for whatever reason. He was tired and I think another tooth was cutting threw. During the sermon I took him back to children’s church where he could play and be noisy. There weren’t much toys in there because for one the nursery is being used by another church renting our fellowship hall and second we were in the children’s church where they do more classes and not playing. With all that he still was having a blast with empty tubs. I think it was the colors that he was really enjoying.
Here is TJ playing during Church:
We had some friends and family planning to come over for the big game yesterday so we left TJ at my parents house after lunch so he could nap and Tim and I went home to get ready for people to start showing up. Everyone started to make it over starting at about 4:30. TJ had fun playing with Lex and Harley (Lex’s cousin). Lex and TJ play so well together. It’s fun to watch them interact with each other.
That’s pretty much our weekend. Fun but busy!
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