Source of all the Krazy Katie thoughts.
Okay now back to the url…I was just looking last night to see if it was an available site and it was so Tim told me to get it. If you still go to the katieleckie.blogspot.com it will redirect you to the new site. I’m not real sure what happens with the RSS feed.
I know the little things in life excite me but hey got to love it.
oh and on Friday I will be putting updates on TJ threw Twitter. So you can follow me on there.
I just found out that his surgery is scheduled for 7:30 am, but I have to be there at 6:00. We won't know when he needs to stop eating until later in the week when the "knock out" doctor calls. If the schedule is going to change at all we won't be notified till the night before. Rick, Sarah, and Piper are coming to town on Thursday afternoon. So Sarah will get to be with me while we are at the hospital. Tim doesn’t have any more time off so he’ll be at work. And my parents are headed off to New York tomorrow morning. They are going up there to see my brother Josh and his wife Andrea.
So TJ is so luck he got to go to the fair twice this year. My parents were out of town on Friday when we went so they went yesterday. Our friends Ken and Ginny came into town just for the fair. Ginny had never been. They got out there yesterday morning and stayed there till almost 5. Here are a couple of picture of TJ from yesterday: