
More about TJ Turning 5 Months

Okay so the day TJ turned 5 months was just like any other day except last night he start chewing on my Dad's hands. My Dad had commented how it was kind of hurting. So I just took him and was going to put some orijel in his mouth because he would fuss if my Dad took his hand out. As I was rubbing the orijel in his mouth I looked and saw a white tooks starting to sprout out of his gums. He did it the first tooth is finally cutting through.
Since I didn't get any pictures up on yesterday's blog. Here are some pictures from the day TJ turned 5 months:

This is on Amy's quilt that her and my mom made. This "What a Pickle" shirt was one of Amy's signature shirts.
Rodney put TJ to sleep...He was out. Rodney even adjusted him and he just opened his eyes and they fell back asleep.
And here he is when we got home. "Mom can I eat and go to bed please?"


5 Short Months

Yep, he is 5 Months old now. This past month has been full of milestones for TJ. He can hold a bottle to his mouth. It’s a sippy cup style bottle. He is of course getting better at sitting up. He can move from sitting up to his back or tummy. He hasn’t figured out how to get to the sitting position.

He has started eating baby food. He eats rice cereal for breakfast and then veggies at lunch time. He hasn’t had any problems with eating any of them. He seems to like all the ones he has tried.

His baby jabber has turned into more of talking. He emphasizes on certain sounds and changes the pitch like he is talking to you.

The other night he was in the tub and he saw the cup I use to wash him off he turned and tried to grab it. He also tries to grab the glass of water while I’m drinking it. He is getting more curious and actually knows how to reach so he is trying everything.

It was actually last night that he did this but he has been able to move from his tummy to his back for quite a while now but has been struggling with moving from his back to his tummy. Last night he was playing with my phone and he dropped it on the floor behind him so he turned over to get it….just like that. I was a little frustrated because Tim hasn’t been home this week so he wasn’t there to see it.

He has officially grown out of the basinet that he was sleeping in at my parents house. This morning the pack n play was set up and that’s where I laid him down.

Oh he is getting so big and so fun.


Look What I Got...

Man I am getting all new things. Tim said all I need to do is trade in for a new hubby. HA. Never. I sure will threaten him though.

Here is me saying bye to my old car. It was a good car and I really liked it. It was kinda weird cleaning it out and knowing I'll never drive it again. It was the first car we ever bought together and the car we brought TJ home in. My lease was up so it was time to trade it in.

Here is the new car. Its a 2009 Honda Accord. Woo hoo!!

I was able to do some upgrades with the new car. I go leather and some other stereo upgrades.

If your looking for a car we got a guy. It was a wonderful car shoping experience. I got to test drive any car and we didn't have that pressure that you have when you go to a dealership. I have his card. He can sell or lease, let me know if you want it.


I Miss My Hubby

Tim is going to be away from home till Wednesday night.

He is getting more responsibilities at work and part of the new job he’ll need training on. He is over on the other side of the DFW airport at the Marriot. The training started this morning and will go to Wednesday Night. I stayed with him last night but it wouldn’t been very finically smart for me to drive there, to my parents to drop TJ off then to work. We also have Gracee in the mix, she stayed with my parents last night just so I could have another night with Tim. It was nice staying away from home for a night.

Even though Tim won’t be there for the next few nights it will be great sleeping in my own bed again. I like my bed with my flat pillows. I know exactly how to arrange my pillows to be the most comfortable and when I stay in a hotel with fancy pillows it takes me a bit to get settled and finally to sleep.

Well that’s about it I just wanted to share how I miss him and how I’ll miss him.

Love you baby, we’ll miss you!!!


Look What I Did

Okay. Its been a while since I cut my hair this short and I was a little nervous.

Here is the before picture. I had my mom take a picture yesterday morning.

and then here is me and TJ with my new hair cut.


Worst Day Ever

Okay. Let me tell you how yesterday was so horrible.

I have been trying to be a friend to someone here at work. Its going well but sometimes it is exhausting just making sure that I’m who I need to be and that God can shine through me. I guess I got to a breaking point yesterday where I just didn’t want to think of it anymore. I was tired of being on call of what I’m saying or doing. I don’t want to be thought as the goody to shoes or not Christian at all. I don’t want people to think that they can’t talk to me but I don’t want to be part of the gossip or encourage the bad habits. It’s hard to find that middle ground.

I have this one customer that is huge but they decide to slam me with 35 orders at the end of last week and then continue with the orders this week. I’m still working on them but then also trying to get my other orders entered.

Then at lunch I’m eating by myself this is a normal thing but I kind of didn’t want to just sit there with my thoughts right when I started eating my ribs part of the meat fell off and hit my shirt and then bounced around in my lap….Mind you this piece of meat is covered in BBQ sauce that is now all over me.

Then when Tim leaves he is taking out a problem that he is having on me. Okay this is at about 2:30 in the afternoon.

My manger told me that at the Arlington Convention Center that they were having a Divine Cosign. So I’m thinking I need to get a pack in play because TJ doesn’t fit very well in the bassinet he is using at my parents house. So I decide to go up there and see what I can find. I get there at 4:45 (it closes at 5) I run in there go straight to the furniture area and see what I can find. I say this pack n play that is really nice but its $50.00. The 50% off sale starts at 6. So I decide to go look at some of the other stuff and see if I can find anything. I find this one thing to buy. I am walking up to the front and this lady yells at me that they are closed and I just tell her oh I’m sorry I was on the phone and I didn’t realize the time. Thinking:
“Lady not today….oh today is not the day to yell at me”
As soon as I get up to the front to check out it starts pouring outside. I get to the back door and look out and I can see my car not too far away. I decide to just go for it. I make it all the way along the building without getting to wet. As soon as I get to the end of the building. I step into ankle deep water. Dang that’s my luck. So I keep walking now about half way to my car. I get to right where the parking lot begins and I step off into the lot and the water should be ankle deep but since it was rushing so fast the water hit my legs and went all the way up to mid thigh. Okay now I just break down and cry….Now I learned Mike’s rule never say “what else could happen today?” Oh the water was brown.

That’s the bad part of the day. Once I got home and out of my car that is not stinking of me. I went and got cleaned up got TJ ready and loaded and We went back up there to see if that pack n play was still there. We pay the $25 and load it up and go to Family Night. The day was finally better. I started telling them of my horrible day and when they started laughing on how bad it was I got to laugh. It’s over now and I’m having a decent new day at work today.

To end this blog well here is TJ after dinner with Tim’s Dr. Pepper Can:


Am I Being Followed?

Okay. Some of you may already know this story but here it is:
Friday Night Tim went out with Nick to a baseball game and my friend from work Janelle went out to eat and then shopping. I got back to the house with Janelle about 9:30 and got TJ fed and off to bed. We were just hanging out till about a little bit after 10 and Tim got home. We were just hanging out till about 11 and Janelle decided to go home. We walked her out and Tim moved his truck back into the driveway after she pulled out. We came back in got a snack watched a little TV and then went to sleep. Nice peacefully night, well at least inside it was. TJ woke up at 7:15 I went and got him changes his diaper and fed him. He was back in bed at 7:30 and I was crawling back in bed once my head hit the pillow the doorbell rang which was followed by Gracee going crazy. I got up and went to see who it was. I could kind of see through the blinds that it was our neighbor after wrestling with Gracee, the door and the alarm. He finally got to ask for Tim. On a side note I saw Pat the night before packing a U-Haul for his daughter who was going back to college. We even talked about when he was going to be leaving. Now I thought he needed some help loading something. I went and got Tim. The first thing that Pat said was I think I’m going to be the bearer of bad news. That caught my attention and when we got to our driveway…this is what we saw:

Saturday we spent the day trying to get a police report filed, insurance claim filed, and getting a rental car. Once they called us back at 1 to submit the claim (we called them at 7:45 am) they set up the rental car at only one place that was open after 12. We got the okay to pick the car up at 2:30. We drove over there and the rental place was not there. We were talking to someone at state farm for about an hour and she passes us off to someone else without even letting us know or the lady who picked up the phone. Tim was on hold for about an hour and half. Tim finally got a car from the DFW Enterprise at about 6:30.
The person who was assigned to our claim doesn’t work on the weekends so we won’t know anything at least until today. And This morning I found out that one of our neighbors came home at 1 and Tim’s truck was already on the blocks. So the looser (s) did this between 11 and 1. We are thinking he followed Tim home. Possibly from the baseball game.


Mexican Fiesta

I guess on Sunday we had decided at lunch that we were going to have family night at our house. We had The Weigands, Marie, Terry and Lizzie, My parents with Amy, the Wirths, and us. Everyone offered to bring something so one family wouldn’t be responsible for the whole meal. We did have the open ceremony on our DVR from Friday night 8/8/08. Since Tim set up to record every Olympic event that was on TV after the 2nd day everything was starting to get bumped off due to not enough space. So instead we were just going to hang out.
We had chicken and cheese enchiladas, beans, rice, awesome cheesecake dessert, and tons of chips with all kinds of dips. We just spent the evening hanging out, talking and watching the Olympics. TJ did pretty good he was getting really tired around 8 and wouldn’t really have anyone else hold him besides Tim for a little bit and then me.

That’s about it. I’ve been really busy at work and my brain doesn’t really want to work anymore. Presbytery was great and we got a lot of great words. I’ll have to talk about that later, again due to my brain not working well right now.

Talk to ya later.


We Have a Turtle!

Yesterday TJ got a word from Dr. Nigel Bigpond. He is a Native American who came to minister at our church. He said that TJ was like a turtle. God would always be protecting him and he would always have his covering over him. TJ would know when to come out and when to stay under the protection. TJ would not be limited to God's works with his age. He already knows things and sees things. People would think that he doesn't know but HE DOES! He spoke that TJ senses would be open and sensitive to the Spirit. He also spoke that TJ was not apart of me anymore that he was born and was born into what God has for him. I'm writing what I remember. I'll try to post the actual word when it is given to me so you can read the exact word. Dr. Bigpond also gave him a hand made turtle necklace that was mad by his tribe.
okay I know this was all random but I wanted to share how he is a turtle. The thing that made it all funny is that we always say he is a turtle. When he sleeps he pulls his arms and legs in under his body. When he starts waking up he will stretch and realize its cold and then pull back in again. He does this over and over again until he finally wakes up.


Last fall there was a group of us that went through our Lifting Up Eagles class. Its kinda a class that you take to be a member. I was a member before but since I left and then Tim and I got married and came back we went through this class and are now members. Sometime after you become a member we have a Presbytery. For those of you who may not know what a Presbytery is I will post a little blipit at the end of this blog.
The point of this blog is to tell you that we started our Presbytery last night. There were a few couples that were in the hot seat and a few individuals that went. Our turn is tonight. I'm really excited to see what God will speak to me and to Tim. We have never been through one together. We have had seperate words given to us while we were together. I was given a word right before we got married that confirmed that I was marrying the right one that God had chosen for me. Last night was amazing and it really hit home for some people. Keep us in your prayers today and tonight. Also you are more then welcome to come and cheer us on tonight. It starts at 7 at our church. Let me know if you want directions.

The time of presbytery is an event which should be treated with respect and a sense of expectation by the body. It is a time when God, through the elders, directs or confirms ministry, and imparts the gifts necessary for the function of that ministry. Presbytery provides an excellent opportunity for members to be "set in" to their place of ministry. Presbytery provides the elders and other leaders of the body the opportunity to discover and prepare the ministries which are being released among the members of the fellowship. With this in mind, it is important for the entire body, as well as presbytery candidates, to be prepared with prayer, fasting and a worshipful attitude.

No Boys Allowed!

Except my Hubby, TJ and my dad. I meant to post this last week but Family Night was full of women. Here is a list of everyone who was there: My mom, Amy, Virginia, Lizzie, Michelle (Lizzie's Daughter), Beth, Her Granddaughter, TJ, Tim, My Dad and then me. We had this amazing chicken that was marinated in orange juice. And after dinner we grabbed our Ice Teas and went to hang out on the back patio. TJ was put in the hammock and hung out in there for the whole time we were out there.


Day of Boys

Saturday we got to sleep in just a little bit before TJ woke up and was ready to eat. He ate his cereal and we made Cinnamon biscuits and eggs for breakfast. We had to do some running around before I went to a baby shower at 4 and Tim went to a party at 5. We went over by my parents house to go to Family Dollar, the Dry Cleaners, my parents house to get a blanket, and then to Wal-Mart. We went to Wal-Mart to see if we could find a Cowboys shirt for TJ. He actually only has a Cowboys blanket, no shirts. We found nothing at Wal-Mart so we went up to the mall area to go to Academy to see if we could find something there. They had some 2T and up sizes, but nothing for babies. So we headed over to the mall to see if we could find anything there. Nothing!!! We did see the rescued dogs that were being adopted out. SOO cute!!

We finally got a shirt at the Cowboys pro shop. We got a 2T shirt. Its a little big but we didn't want to spend 40 dollars on a jersey one that wouldn't fit him next year. At least with the T-Shirt there is a chance that it will fit him next year and if it doesn't, then we didn't pay 40 dollars.

here my pictures from the day:

TJ in his new shirt!! Little big but I can guarantee that he will grow into it

My Guys!

I went to the shower and then Tim went to the party. It was Nick's birthday on weds so they had a party for him. I met him there after the shower was over.

We of course watched some Olympics off and on during the day, which is so exciting. Last night was the first game of the pre season game for the Cowboys. When it started TJ was already asleep but it was very important that he wear his new shirt.


Poor Baby =(

Well since TJ couldn't get his shots when he had his 4 month appointment we went back yesterday to see Rhonda...the nurse, so she could give him the shots. She loves TJ she always wants to love on him before she gives them and always asks if she can hold him for a sec afterwards so he knows that she is nice and not the mean ol nurse that hurts him.
He did very well with them. He cried right when he got them but when she was switching to the other side he laughed before she started. He was fine as soon as we pull away from him. I guess people always told me how horrible it was I was expecting it to be worst then it was. I'm telling you that I don't like seeing him cry but its only for a sec, I know he is just scared, and as soon as she is done that he'll be fine.
That's all about TJ's day that I had to say. We watched my friends little girl last night. She is so cute and quite. We just had toys and books out. Tim read to her and TJ a couple of books. It was really cute, all three of them were cuddle up on the couch looking at the book. Sorry I didn't get a picture.

Have a wonderful weekend. 08.08.08. Significant day being that the year of 2008 is the year of new beginnings. Wonder what all will happen today! oh wait the Olympics!! Go Team USA!


I know I Know

I am loving  this whole blog thing and I love it more now that I'm getting better at getting videos up. Now that we have more and more family that aren't close by. I've been trying to get more on video so they can enjoy our little guy.  He is changing every day. I feel like I miss so much just being at work and not with him all day. So I can just imagine what its like for those who can't see him everyday. 

Here are some pictures from tonight:

Okay and here is a video of TJ playing with Tim. 


Fun Stuff From Arkansas

Here is TJ in Piper's Bouncy Seat. He loves the one at home but I haven't been able to get it on my camera to post on here. Here is this one. its pretty good.

Here is Piper and TJ dancing at Bill and Debra's... now put on some funky music and ENJOY! and yes I did say funky. 

TJ Eating for the first time..

Do I need to explain this video?

This Weekend and TJ is 4 Months Old

This weekend we didn't do much. Friday we went out to Chilis for dinner with Nick and Kelly and then went back to their house to watch Jumper. It was a pretty good movie, they did leave it wide open for a sequel. TJ just wanted to play the whole time.

Saturday we got lots and lots of laundry done. We got a bunch of things done around the house. Its kinda nice being at home then TJ gets to just enjoy playing and gets on a good schedule for the weekend. Its so funny he knows exactly what to do on the weekend when he is with us. Monday comes around and he has a different scheduel with my mom. He's so smart he knows what he is suppose to do when he is with a certain person. Then when he is with a new person he trys to play them and see what he can get away with.
Sunday we went to church. A squirell committed suicide on the power lines in my parents back yard which meant that we lost power at church and at my parents house. Power came back on at around 9 so the church was cooled back down by the time church started. TJ took a nap during worship and woke up during announcements and wanted to talk the whole time. Here he is talking to me.

Last night TJ saw his first football game...well he saw the kick off and wasn't too interested after that. I finally decided to water my yards so at about 8:30 we went out to watch the water and our neighbor was outside watering his grass so we chatted with him and his daughter for a while. We got TJ in bed watched the rest of the game, a few mins of the game and then went to sleep.
Okay now its time for the update on TJ. It seems this month that TJ has done so much. He can sit up on his own. He still falls over after a while but he is getting a lot better. He has discovered his feet. The other afternoon Tim went to get him from his nap. (he could here him talking in there) when he went in there TJ had rolled over on his back and had his foot, sock and all in his mouth. He has started to move around the floor. He doesn't really realize that he is the one moving him but its cute when he looks up and realizes that we are further or closer to him. He just grins real big and keeps scooting. Sat morning he kept waking him self up because he would scoot and roll and would wake him self up and get confused on where he was. TJ also says Momma. Its only when he cries but it he is definately calling me Momma. He doesn't do it when he is with my mom or when he is with Tim. I love it!!
There is your update on our weekend and our little guy.

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