
Pictures of TJ's Room

FYI... I do have pictures of TJ’s room but...
Our computers are down and I’ve been blogging on Tim’s Iphone
today I’m at my parents house and have no way of getting the pictures off of my camera onto the computer to show you pictures. We are done with his room we just need a matress...it is being given to us by my manager we just need to go over and get it.  We are all packed and ready to go. I got the car seat base put in the car and all the bags are right by the door. WOO HOO!!!

I go to the doctor again on weds. She’ll check me again and hopefully we will have progressed more. I’ll keep you posted.
Oh Rick and Sarah are going to bring their computer up to the hospital so we can post blogs with pictures while we are there. So keep your eyes open for blogs.

love ya
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