Then today we met Nick and Kelly for lunch and a movie...kid free to celebrate her birthday that was this last week. We went to Bravo and then went and saw taken. It was a very good movie but wasn't so good on the headache I gained right before we got there. ugh! it finally went awak about an hour after the movie.
Pictures from Saturday Night:
Mike and the birthday girl..Heather
me and Teej at Joe T's
here is TJ's favorite..Lex
Heather and I at Sherlock's
and then for whatever reason we wanted to take a picture with our mouths open
and then another for fun
me and Tim. me being annoying
Us dancing. We don't remember what song we were dancing too. HAHA. Mike? Heather? Do ya'll remember?
Final picture for the night. Ready to go home to our baby.