
18 Months Old

I can’t believe that today we went for TJ’s 18 Month pictures. My how time really does fly. These past 18 months have been some of the most wonderful months of my life. Nothing is better in life than to see his eyes light up and his little screech of happiness when I get home, to see him discover new things, to see him build towers with his blocks, and to be devastated when it falls over, even to watch him sleep bring joy to me.

He always runs to me when I walk in and has to give me kisses. He is such a sweet little boy and is always happy to see people.

He is really getting good at helping with cleaning. He helps puts his toys away every night and will always throw his diaper away.

His favorite things to do in the day are playing with his blocks, bath time and brushing his teeth. These few things are times we get a screech of excitement out of him.

He went almost two weeks without eating more than a meal a day. This was about 3 weeks ago. It was terrible, every meal was a fight and he would only attempt to try it if we weren’t looking. We then took the risk of him tossing the plate to the floor for Gracee. I knew he was about to hit a growth spurt. He grew out of his shoes and some of this shirts are getting a little high on his waste.

He is really learning some words now. He has been saying Mama and Dada for a while. He then started with “this” then he said “ball” once and hadn’t gotten any new words for a long time, besides the “dada” “mama” “papa”. But then about two weeks ago he said “prease” (please) when we asked him if he wanted more toast. Then later that day he said “tank ah” (thank you). He has now been saying “shoes”, “TJ’s shoes”, “Josh”, “Mum”, “Mamy”,  and a few others in there. I am very proud that my little man says please when he wants something and then says thank you when it is received.

He is growing so fast and is such a joy to be with.

This last Sunday he pointed out to my dad when the Angels were and where Jesus was. I am so happy he can see them. I pray that he won’t ever stop seeing them.

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