
Arlington Texas Voting

This last weekend was Arlington’s elections. Since Tim had his surgery on Friday he can’t lift over 5 pounds. So Saturday the kids and I headed out to our local polling station to cast our vote. I forgot about early voting so Saturday was my only chance to get my vote in.

Mayor Cluck came to see me in the hospital when I had TJ. I met him when I was in high school and I made an impression (and he knows my dad) so when my dad told him I was having TJ at the hospital that he serves as vice president of medical affairs, he insisted that my dad tell him when I delivered TJ. (Side story: he got there when the social worker was talking to me. When he walked in the worker was shocked and slowly moved up against the side wall. When he left she just said thank you and walked out…haha)

Anytime its time to go vote for him….I GO!

Well TJ and Anna of course were with me and I told him we were going to go vote. He called it boot. He met Robert Rivera (our city council rep) and walked in all excited to boot. So they gave him a sample ballot to “vote”. I filled it in for him and he walked out saying he got to boot. Robert and his opponent cheered for him.

Training him up early!
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